About us

Palmerston North Parents Centre
The Palmy Parent & Child Expo is run by local not for profit organisation Palmerston North Parents Centre.
Who is Palmy Parents Centre? We are a volunteer driven organisation with a focus of antenatal and postnatal education for parents. You can find our centre at the Birthing Centre, 117 Ruahine Street.
We began the first Palmy Parent & Child Expo in 2018 – it was the first of its kind in Palmerston North and we continue to run this event yearly for the benefit of families in Palmerston North. Palmy has a wide range of talented family orientated businesses and fantastic local services and organisations to assist parents and we are proud to offer a place to bring them all together in one place for you to explore!
As we are a volunteer run organisation, this event is bought to you by … volunteers! We are always on the lookout for new team members, so if you would like to get involved with our work then please send us an email at info@palmyparentscentre.org.nz – we would love to hear from you!